Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas with the DenBleyker's

Hi everyone - sorry it has been two weeks since I last posted. BUSY and with the holidays. Still I have no excuse. Christmas was GREAT this year!! Especially having our 1st Christmas with Karlie!! She got a lot of great gifts (so did Connor!!!) For only being 4 months old she got 5 dolls for Christmas. I have to say it is nice to have pink and now dolls in our house. I can't believe she will be 4 months old on Saturday - the 3rd.
Connor had fun this Christmas. Now that he is 2 he is starting to understand everything and able to open his presents on his own now.
We were making a comment today on the way to church - how last week we were all snowed in and churches were cancelled - today it kinda felt like a fall day looking at the sky and seeing the grass again. LOVED yesturdays weather. We could have that all winter.
I know a lot of people are having this on the blog also - for a prayer request especially during this holiday season. For Joe and Meredith Geurink. Her mom died a week ago tomorrow - Monday. Their blog is on the right side of my blog to read the story about her loving mom.
Please give me some time but I will post some up to date pictures of the fam and the our christmas.
Hope everyone had a GREAT Christmas!!


The Geurinks said...

Thanks for the prayers:-) They are appreciated and have definitely been felt!!

Val said...

Hi!! Okay, go to thecoolestblogontheblock and look under backgrounds. When you find the one you want, follow the instructions, it should walk you though pretty easily. Let me know if you need more help. :)